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Forward Day by Day offers daily inspirational meditations reflecting on a specific Bible passage, chosen from the daily lectionary readings as listed in the Revised Common Lectionary or the Daily Office from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer. The meditations are rich in substance and offer a wide range of witness and experiences. Each month’s meditation is written by a different author. Inspiring readers since our first issue was published in 1935, Forward Day by Day remains a significant resource for daily prayer and Bible study to readers worldwide.
Please see the full set of guidelines and begin your submission here.Si quisieras enviarnos una propuesta en español, te rogamos completar el formulario de contacto y selecciona “en español” en el menú desplegable.
Forward Movement is committed to offering resources that strengthen and support discipleship and evangelism. We strive to provide insightful, engaging, and accessible content on a range of topics, including prayer, Bible study, spiritual practices, leadership, church traditions, and emerging trends. Our materials are published in a variety of formats, including print, electronic books, podcasts, online courses, PDF downloads, and smartphone applications. We publish resources in English and Spanish. Our primary audience is adult readers, often people in the pews but also clergy. While many of our resources are targeted for an Episcopal/Anglican audience, we also offer some materials for a broader reach.
Copyright is a form of intellectual property law that protects original work. Copyright is a protection for the creators and as well as the publishers. The resources offered by Forward Movement are copyrighted, and permission must be received before use. Uses that typically require permission include photocopying, reproduction on websites, inclusion in videos, excerpts in local resources such as newsletters and devotional books, and more.
As a ministry of the Episcopal Church, Forward Movement seeks to be generous with our permission conditions and fees. Many one-time, non-commercial uses will be approved at no charge. We require a written request, which provides an important record for Forward Movement and for users. Please fill out this form for permissions requests and allow two weeks for a response.If you have additional questions, please fill out this contact form and select "Copyright Permissions" in the dropdown menu provided.
For additional information on copyrights, visit the Library of Congress at
(Guidelines revised January 2024)