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Exile, hospitality, and migration are recurrent themes in the Bible and throughout the history of the church. As we grapple with these issues as Christians, we invite you to make these prayers and scriptural passages part of your Lenten devotions. May they help guide your Lenten journey and help us find in Christ our Promised Land. Starting on Ash Wednesday, and continuing through Lent, Forward Movement invites you to a season of prayer. Each day we will offer you a prayer from The Book of Common Prayer or a passage from the Bible.
For churches and small groups, Forward Movement has produced FREE downloadable bulletin inserts in English and Spanish to print and utilize throughout the season (see below for links). Beginning March 1, daily images with prayers or scripture readings will also be posted on Facebook and Twitter.
El exilio, la hospitalidad, y la migración son temas recurrentes en la Biblia y en la historia de la iglesia. Por ser cristianos, estos temas son para nosotros un permanente desafío. Durante esta Cuaresma, te invitamos a que adoptes estas oraciones y pasajes bíblicos como parte de tus devociones. Que guíen tu peregrinaje cuaresmal y que nos ayuden a encontrar en Cristo nuestra Tierra Prometida.
Empezando el Miércoles de Cenizas, y continuando durante la Cuaresma, Forward Movement te invita a participar de un ciclo de oración. Cada día ofreceremos una oración de El Libro de Oración Común o un pasaje de la Biblia.
Para iglesias y grupos pequeños, Forward Movement ha producido encartes GRATUITOS es español e inglés que puedes descargarse, imprimirse, y usarse semana tras semana (ver los enlaces aquí abajo). Empezando el 1° de marzo, colocaremos imágenes con las oraciones y escrituras diarias en español (en Facebook) y en inglés (en Facebook y Twitter). Más información en español.
Bulletin Inserts / Encartes para boletines
Full / TodasWeek 1 / Semana 1 Week 2 / Semana 2Week 3 / Semana 3 Week 4 / Semana 4 Week 5 / Semana 5Week 6 / Semana 6Week 7 / Semana 7
Additional Resources / Recursos adicionales
>> Episcopal & Anglican Organizations / Organizaciones episcopales y anglicanas >> Prayers, Scriptures & Litrurgical Resources / Oraciones, escrituras y recursos litúrgicos>> Statements / Declaraciones>> Blog Entries / Artículos de blog>> Campaigns / Campañas>> News Stories / Artículos periodísticos>> Refugees in Europe and The Dominican Republic / Refugiados en Europa y la República Dominicana>> Videos - Episcopal Migration Ministries / Videos - Ministerios Episcopales de Migración>> Other Videos / Otros videos>> Forward Movement Resources / Recursos de Forward Movement>> Videos en español>> Noticias en español>> Recursos litúrgicos en español
Episcopal & Anglican Organizations / Organizaciones episcopales y anglicanas
- Immigration and Refugee Policy of The Episcopal Church / Política de inmigración y refugiados de la la Iglesia Episcopal
- Episcopal Migration Ministries / Ministerios Episcopales de Migración
- Aura Refugees (Anglican Diocese of Toronto) / Refugiados Aura (Diócesis Episcopal de Toronto)
- Refugee and Migrant Working Group (Anglican Church of Australia) / Grupo de Trabajo sobre refugiados e inmigrantes (Iglesia Anglicana de Australia)
Prayers, scriptures & liturgical resources / Oraciones, escrituras y recursos litúrgicos
- Biblical References to Immigrants and Refugees / Referencias bíblicas a inmigrantes y refugiados
- Via Crucis: 'No walls can separate us from God's grace'
- Mass of the Immigrants - Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante
Statements / Declaraciones
- Updated: Episcopalians respond to refugee ban (Note: It contains links to many statements by bishops & other Church leaders in response to refugee ban)
- Presiding Bishop: "I ask President Trump to continue the powerful work of our refugee resettlement program without interruption'
- A statement from the director of Episcopal Migration Ministries
- Presiding Bishop, other Episcopal leaders call on Trump to maintain refugee resettlement efforts
- Choosing Love Over Fear (Bishop Mariann Budde)
- A message from Bishop Breidenthal: The light of Christ shines for everyone
Blog Entries / Artículos de blog
- I am a Christian - so I am a resident alien.
- Speaking to the Soul: Hear my cry
- Speaking to the Soul: No Greater Love
Campaigns / Campañas
- Episcopal Public Policy Network launches 2×4 campaign
- Articles about Refugees and Migrants by the Anglican Communion News Services
- Articles about Refugees and Migrants by Episcopal News Service
- Articles about Refugees in Episcopal Café
Refugees in Europe and The Dominican Republic Refugiados en Europa y la República Dominicana
- Archbishop of Canterbury takes in Syrian refugee family
- Christmas reminds us that Jesus was a migrant like today's refugees, says Pope Francis
- Dominican Church Stands with Dominicans of Haitian Descent
- Presiding Bishop addresses statelessness in the Dominican Republic
Videos - Episcopal Migration Ministries / Videos - Ministerios Episcopales de Migración
- Austin, TX - A Transformational Ministry (4:14)
- Detroit, MI - A Place to Call Home (3:34)
- Minneapolis, MN - To Find a Friend (3:10)
- Atlanta, GA - Bolstering Refugee Small Business (3:28)
- New Haven, CT - A Different Kind of Care (2:52)
- Concord, NH - Working for a Better Future (3:09)
- Minneapolis, MN - Ready for Success
- Tucson, AZ - Freedom on Two Wheels (4:13)
- Advancing a Legacy of Welcome (1:53)
- Celebrating Our Shared History (5:12)
- New Bern, NC - Supporting Refugee Students (4:02)
- Sowdo's Story (4:22)
- Boise, ID - Refugee Community Allies (4:27)
- Wahab's Story (3:52)
- Sergio's Story (3:58)
- Engaging Mission, Engaging Hope (long version) (3:56)
- Engaging Mission, Engaging Hope (2:33)
- Religious leaders to help undocumented immigrants (WCVB5)
The Refugee's Journey Across the Mediterranean (Doctors without Borders /MSF-USA)
CNN witnesses dramatic migrant rescue in Mediterranean (CNN)
Mr. Trump, Meet My Family (New York Times)
Syrian Refugee Crisis (Diocesis of Southern Ohio)
"I Grew Up in the United States and I Do Want to Stay"
Women Work To Feed Central American Migrants
Return to Top
Forward Movement Resources / Recursos de Forward Movement
- It Matters Who Rules Our Hearts: Third Sunday of Lent Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Mercy upon All Mankind: Tuesday in Lent 4Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Choosing a Lenten Discipline: Saturday after Ash WednesdayExcerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- A Journey with Matthew: Matthew 5:21- 48Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- A Journey with Matthew: Matthew 25:31-46Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- A Journey with Matthew: Matthew 2:1-23Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Lent Madness 2016: Dietrich BonhoefferExcerpt (in PDF format)
- Lent Madness 2016: Albert SchweitzerExcerpt (in PDF format)
- Lent Madness 2016: Sojourner TruthExcerpt (in PDF format)
- Forward Day by Day: The Samaritan WomanExcerpt (in PDF format)
- Forward Day by Day: Love One AnotherExcerpt (in PDF format)
- Meeting Jesus on the Margins: Giving Water to the ThirstyExcerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Meeting Jesus on the Margins: The Water of Life Is Not Mine AloneExcerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Meeting Jesus on the Margins: My Name Is Not "Refugee" (February 26)Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Meeting Jesus on the Margins: Radical Inclusiveness (February 27)Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Meeting Jesus on the Margins: Welcoming the Stranger (February 29)Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Meeting Jesus on the Margins: All Are Welcome (March 4)Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Meeting Jesus on the Margins: Radical Welcome (March 5)Excerpt (in PDF format) / Explore Full Resource
- Lent Madness 2015: Bernard Mizeki and David Pendleton OakerhaterExcerpt (in PDF format)
- Lent Madness 2015: Frederick Douglass and Francis of AssisiExcerpt (in PDF format)
- Lent Madness 2015: Molly BrantExcerpt (in PDF format)
Videos en español
Obispo Michael Curry: "Caminen y no se den por vencidos"
Arzobispo Justin Welby: "La hospitalidad y el amor son las armas más formidables"
Las Patronas: Mujeres mexicanas que dan de comer a migrantes centroamericanos
Noticias en español
- La Iglesia Episcopal expandirá su solidaridad con refugiados, inmigrantes e indocumentados
- El Obispo Primado y otros líderes episcopales piden a Trump mantener el reasentamiento de refugiados
- Instituto de Tierra Santa para sordos asiste a refugiados y prepara a niños discapacitados para una vida llena de sentido
- Sacerdote de Pensilvania recaba apoyo para cristianos iraquíes desplazados
- La Obispa Primada aborda el problema de la nacionalidad en la República Dominicana
- El arzobispo de Canterbury acogerá a una familia de refugiados en su residencia oficial
- Papa Francisco: «Jesús también fue un refugiado»
- 5º Año del Vía Crucis fronterizo: Llamado al muro
Recursos litúrgicos en español